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"98% of students report that they use green pen to correct their work"

(Student survey October 2019)

Following a teaching ‘block’ of lessons students will complete a purple marking task which will be assessed against the learning objective detailed in the subjects scheme of work. This purple marking task will be marked by the subject teacher and pupils will be provided with a yellow feedback on their strengths and areas for development. Pupils will be provided with a BOOST lesson following the purple marking task, which will enable students to focus on their areas of development. Independent BOOST tasks will be provided to each pupil for them to complete. This work will be acknowledged by the classroom teacher as being completed and if the pupil has secured the knowledge and understanding. All BOOST lessons are completed in green pen.  

Student exercise books:  

● Staff are not expected to mark student exercise books. However some staff may wish to do this.  

● Students are expected to peer assess and self-assess their work during the lesson using green pen.