Sixth Form Expectations
We expect students to contribute to our school culture and ethos in a purposeful and professional way, where people present themselves well, are kind and respectful to others, and whom younger students can aspire to become in the future.
Good Sixth Form study habits
The key requirements for success are motivation, enthusiasm and to contribution to the life of the Sixth Form and wider school; the key skills are self-discipline, hardworking, resilient, willing to listen and respond to advice and feedback.
Studying for a post-16 course is demanding and in order to be successful, students should expect regular supervised study and homework from each of their courses. In general, we suggest that students match timetabled hours for each subject with study outside the classroom.
Dress code and appearance
The dress code mirrors what is appropriate for an adult, professional working environment and distinctively different from the uniform worn in the rest of the school. The colours for trousers/skirts are black, grey or blue and in short, students should wear suits or suit-style combinations with matching tailored jackets and skirts/dresses/trousers.
Skirts/dresses and tops must be modest and professional looking. Plain black or navy abayas may be worn. Where students wish to wear a cultural adaptation to our dress code, we can accommodate this but would ask that colours and style remain professional.
There is an expectation that students bring the equipment, folders, notes and books they need for each day. We provide a range of resources but students are expected to provide their own stationery and purchase their own text books in some cases.
Registration and attendance
In almost all cases, individual learning plans are based on a commitment to full time education. This means students must attend school each day and arrive on time for school and for each timetabled session. Students are expected to be in the Sixth Form area at 8.25 am and register personally with Academic Tutor at 8.30am. We ask students not to make commitments outside school before 4.00pm and to keep part time work to a maximum of 10 hours a week, reducing their hours at examination times.
Medical appointments, driving lessons, and other similar commitments should be arranged outside the school day and holidays should not be taken during the school terms. As part of our safeguarding procedures we ask that parents/guardians notify the school of a student absence by 8am on the day of absence.
All Sixth Form students are required to wear a photographic identification badge. This is for their own safety, but also for the safety of all students, as in that way all people on site can be easily identified as having a right to be there. We will provide all students with a badge and lanyard which they must wear every day. If they forget or lose their badge, they will be required to pay for any subsequent badges
Study Area
The Study Area is for the sole use of Sixth Form between 8am and 4.30 pm. It is an area where students work independently and silently on tasks set by their teachers or ones they have identified themselves which will help them improve. For certain periods students will be timetabled in this area and those sessions are a compulsory part of their Individual Learning Plan.
Students who are free and wish to study are welcome to use the facility and take up any free spaces.
Every Sixth Former is entitled to bring their own device into school and have access to the school network and the school’s WIFI. Once activated they can then use their devices in the Study Area and Common Room and in lessons where teachers permit it.
Free time
Students will work very hard while they are with us, but their time here will include free time. During that time they can relax in the Common Room with friends, use the time to volunteer in school or do extra-curricular activities. Students in Year 12 are required to give up one free hour a week to undertake community service in school and/or the wider community.
Progress monitoring and student support
Every student is allocated to an Academic & Pastoral Tutor Group and their Mentor will be the person who guides them through the two years and helps review progress through their Individual Learning Plan. Students’ progress is closely monitored to ensure that all are on track to meet or exceed their potential.
Students will undertake a Personal Development Programme which covers such topics as careers and recruitment skills, destinations post-18, health and wellbeing, preparing for adult life and managing relationships.
Students also have access to our counselling and/or School Nurse services and we can source external mentors too, where appropriate.
Financial assistance
The Post 16 Bursary is available to students on free school meals as well as those who are struggling to cover costs associated with attending Sixth Form eg: transport, books and trips. For more information please visit our website