To foster a culture of deeper applied learning through sequential R.E.A.L experiences so that pupils can intertwine academic knowledge, lifelong knowledge and skills in different contexts
We are embarking on an exciting journey to reignite our curriculum, to ensure that our curriculum is based upon our core concept of Deeper Applied Learning and REAL (Relevant, Engaging, Active Learning) experiences. We have designed our KS3 curriculum by linking subjects together where they have identified rich links, skills and knowledge between them. This provides students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to different contexts. We aim to provide a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum and offer a wide range of exciting and challenging activities and experiences for all students.
Our Schemes of Work are aligned with our curriculum impact statement, ensuring that our pupils experience Deeper Applied Learning and REAL experiences across all years, so that they can intertwine academic knowledge, lifelog knowledge and skills in different contexts. It includes not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also providing a wide range of extra-curricular activities, high quality pastoral provision, educational visits and enrichment opportunities that also enhance student’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Furthermore, across all key stages, teachers are required to T.E.A.C.H, pupils are expected to L.E.A.R.N and both pupils and teachers are challenged to C.H.E.C.K. The implementation of these everyday tactics consistently and effectively across the school, ensures that Deeper Applied Learning and REAL experiences can occur within lessons.
We enrich the curriculum through a variety of activities including educational visits, school performances, hosting guest speakers and deliverers of STEM and Personal Development days, Black History Month activities and links with other schools. Through this process we ensure that our curriculum promotes the ability for pupils to apply their knowledge and skills to different contexts. Especially for those who would not ordinarily be exposed to those life experiences.