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Form Representatives and School Prefects

Form Representatives
Student voice is central to the continued improvement of our school, and for everyone within its community. Each term, within our student voice system, form reps represent their forms within the individual year group meetings.
The common agenda points from these are taken forward to the whole school student voice meetings, led by the SSLT Student voice team and supported by the SSLT lead teacher.
Areas for development are then raised to the school leadership team and actions decided and implemented and feedback to the school community through Academic Mentoring time.
Actions are routinely reviewed and refined where required. Form reps also support their tutor and peers within the organisation of their participation within House events and whole school events.

Our prefect team is made up of Year 8 students, who support the SSLT team within 5 committee areas. This provided a unique insight for these students into the SSLT team and their continuations to school culture and operations. Often the prefect team are aspirational Head Students and SSLT team members.